Etheric Wings Activation Workshop
Have you met your wings yet, my dear?
Your etheric wings are a part of your energy body, just like the chakras. They are an extension of who you are, a powerful network of energy pathways helping you along your soul journey.
Your wings tend to act as conduits for large amounts of cosmic energy. This energy, when harnessed, can be directed towards any of your life goals or aspirations. Your wings are energy reservoirs, enabling you to tap into the abundance of the Universe. Moreover, they are a dynamic tool for energy exchange. Through your wings, you can project intentions and positive energy into the world, leaving a profound and loving impact on those around you.
For some people, etheric wings come out naturally. For others - the wings may remain dormant for a lifetime because of the many fears we carry inside - the fear of being seen, the fear of our spiritual gifts, the fear of being judged or persecuted.
The time has come for us to reclaim our wings. In this period of profound transition and transformation, we need every resource available to us, and our wings are a priceless asset.
This healing circle is the beginning of a lifelong bond between you and youth wings - an activation that will allow you to move past your resistance, helping your wings to come out and your etheric body to adjust to them perfectly.
Join me in embracing the fullness of your being, dear one, wings and all.
This product is a recording of a webinar.
Once you make a purchase, you will receive a link to a 3:55-hour video and a PDF file with a presentation and follow-up practices.
Taking part in this activity has been one of my most favorite of all spiritual things I have done. We started with energy protection and opening the circle, then instruction on esthetic body, why our wings are beneficial, and other background essential information, then she verbally walked us through a visualization of opening our wings. Following this we had a q&a session. It was beautiful and moving and I was honestly so delighted I could actually see my wings and their colors. Highly recommen