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The Power of the Blue Flame

Writer's picture: Sergei GusevSergei Gusev

Blue Flame
Blue Flame

The blue flame is a flame of truth. It's a flame of flow, the flame of strength.

It's also the flame of power and the flame of faith—unstoppable but also flexible.

It is a very interesting flame to understand because strength as a construct tends to be misconstrued and taken out of the context. You might find it hard to comprehend the higher aspect of the blue flame and the way that the Creator created it.

Strength, in this case, does not mean brute physical strength, like that of a warrior. That is actually red energy.

Blue energy carries the strength of spirit. The easiest way to understand the difference is to think of the strength of the blue flame not as the strength of fire but as the strength of water.

It's the strength of a torrent or an ocean with humungous waves. If you've ever been to the ocean shore where the waves were crashing on top of it or in the middle of a tempest, you’ll understand how strong the ocean is.

The energy of the blue flame is the energy of the ocean. It's that energy of flow. It's that energy of flexibility.

It is very much a raw primordial energy – one of the original energies – but it's not rigid. It's the opposite of the “my way or the highway” mindset.

The blue energy is one of the more flexible energies. As a child, you probably threw little stones in the water. The water would always accept the stone. The water would always accept what you give it, but it doesn't make it any less strong.

Water can, in fact, move away stone. Water that has hollowed out a cave, for instance; water is always going to carve a path for itself. That is the true strength of water.

The blue flame is that strength of spirit in its alignment but also flexibility. Picture a tree that is very flexible. It bends in the wind. It's a lot harder to break than the tree that's stiff. This actually makes the flexible tree the strongest type of tree.

The other positive aspects of the blue flame are truth, flow, and faith.

Famous People that Would Represent the Blue Flame

King Solomon was very strong in both the blue and the yellow flame. There is a certain kind of wisdom and resilience that comes with this flame.

You have to be really wise to be flexible; wisdom us another aspect of strength. It's hard to find that pure blue flame that is very high dimensional.

Because water is such an ever-present molecule on earth, a lot of the people will have a blue in some form. A lot of people are working on the energy of the blue flame in this dimension right now.

However, the blue flame is still widely misunderstood due to the shadow aspects of the blue flame.

Shadow Aspects of the Blue Flame

The shadow side of the blue flame is rigidity: that “my way or the highway” point of view. It's the kind of strength where you're not willing to consider the circumstances, where you're not willing to consider somebody else's opinion or feelings.

We're taught to associate strength with the masculine gender. There is a lot of shadow in a vast number of men trying to practice blue energy and, instead, falling into the red. That aggressive strength is represented by fighting and bloody revolutions: that's the red.

A lot of people want to learn the blue energy and then succumb to the red.

The blue energy and the energy of water is a very feminine aspect. The feminine aspect is currently suppressed in both genders; it is in its shadow form in both genders.

Women, in essence, are not feminine enough, so they're not able to draw the right circumstances to them so as to not have to work so hard day to day.

Men also have their feminine aspect out of whack. Some of them try to completely suppress it, to where they're like, "Okay, I am a man. Therefore, I am the absolute and complete opposite of a woman."

This is a ridiculous notion, but that's how they feel. Even crying is not “allowed” for many men. If you as a guy cannot cry, you cannot integrate the blue aspect.

The other aspect that men are struggling with is when the female aspect takes over completely, and you have a lot of men that are too feminine.

In short, the feminine aspect is not balanced in either gender on the planet right now. It's really hard to fully integrate that blue flame because, to do so, you have to integrate both its feminine and its masculine aspect.

The feminine aspect is what this planet is struggling with right now.

An interesting aspect of the blue flame not being properly integrated in women is feeling overly needy. It’s a mindset of, "Well, I need you as my man to provide for me, and to do X, Y, and Z for me." They're trying to take, take, take. That is a shadow aspect of the blue flame.

When you don't have enough of the blue flame or when you're not in control of it, you need to cling to forces and sources outside of yourself to try to get that strength back. That turns a lot of people needy.

That's not the way that this flame is meant to be experienced but certainly signifies its lack.

As mentioned earlier, other positive aspects of the blue flame are truth, flow, and faith; there are many shadow aspects of these three positive aspects.

Truth and Its Shadow Side:

The shadow aspect of truth would be fear of the truth or lies. Both are equally bad.

Faith and the Opposite of Faith:

There is so much shadow around faith on this planet. That's precisely why we have things like religion, cults, atheism. All of these are shadow aspects of the blue flame.

There are so many people in here practicing the blue flame—but they are just using its shadow aspect. Most people belonging to a religion today are living a shadow aspect of the blue flame. They're actually going through a crisis of faith.

It is the same thing with atheists. In essence, they substituted religion for the lack of religion, but they didn't keep faith. It was not an answer.

Let's look at the faith on an esoteric level and consider what it actually means. Faith is connection to Source. That's all it is. This is faith in the way it's meant to be.

  • Feeling supported by the Creator and Creatrix energies

  • Never feeling alone

  • Feeling the universe is taking care of you

On a metaphysical level, this looks like a blue cord that connects somebody's crown chakra to Source. Literally, it’s like a shoestring that ties you to father and mother energies. That is what true faith is.

Religion is the absence of that thing, and a poor imitation of it. It is, in fact, no cord at all. They close it up when you get baptized or get converted to an energy. You have all of these people for whom that shoestring is still in their vicinity. God and Goddess are stretching out their palms to try to connect. They never drop their end of the bargain. They never drop their cord.

At the same time, you are here saying, "I want to connect so badly, what's my answer? What's my answer? It's got to be a religion that I was born into." That's precisely why so many people need all of these dogmas … because they're not getting the answers from the source, from their mother and father energies. They try to get it elsewhere.

We're going through a huge crisis of faith on this planet. Why? Because people are not truly living the positive aspect of the blue flame.

Flow and the Opposite of Flow:

The shadow aspect of flow is the absence of flow. Flow is a positive aspect of the blue flame that a lot of people practice. Absence of flow is when you have to push really hard to get anywhere.

You're not meant to do that. When you are fully aligned, things happen for you … not to you.

Think of flow as water. The water is always going to find a way. The issue is that 99% of humans today live in the absence of flow. They don't even know what it feels like when the universe is flowing in your favor.

Here is a very important mantra to integrate a blue flame:

“The universe is always flowing in my favor.”

Write it out. Frame it. Put it on the wall.

“The universe is always flowing in my favor.” That is not an experience that most of you are having. Instead, the experience you are having is, “I have to work hard to get somewhere. I have to potentially get lucky to get somewhere. Then, God forbid, something could happen to me at any minute!”

You are in the state of self-induced pressure, and this prevents all kinds of flow from entering your reality. It prevents the flow of …

  • Abundance

  • Health

  • Money

  • Love

Pressure is the absence of flow. Anytime you put pressure on yourself—pressure to deliver, pressure to succeed, pressure to make more money, pressure to find that right partner—you're experiencing the absence of flow.

In essence, what you are saying is, "Okay, universe. I know you could help, but I'll figure this out. I don't need your help. I'm all good." Then you go in completely the opposite direction of where you need to be going.

The universe is here to help you. The universe is your most powerful ally and so is the blue flame.

Flow is the most potent energy of success that you can get access to on this planet. It can get you to where you need to go without having to work 24/7. You're not going to have to give up your vacation and you're not going to have to give up your time with your family. All you need is to have flow on your side and not tugged away somewhere where you never get access to it.

The shadow aspect of flow, again, is having to push really hard to get anywhere. Fighting against the world instead of working with the world to get somewhere. Always blaming the world, the universe, circumstances, etc. for what happened or didn't happen to you.

Being in an antagonistic state, butting heads with the universe—these are the shadow aspect of the blue flame. It's also sometimes called survival.

Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Aspects of the Flames

Every ray—aka flame or energy—has the masculine aspect and the feminine aspect, just as Source has the masculine aspect and the feminine aspect.

There is the optimal state of each of the rays that we're talking about … with a slight twist. The blue ray for a woman and a blue ray for a man would have a slight tweak.

The feminine aspect of the blue flame—the flow aspect—is the one that's the most disintegrated. The strength aspect is more of a masculine aspect.

Divine feminine and divine masculine live in all of the flames. There is the feminine aspect of creation and the masculine aspect of creation. It's not one or the other. They are a little bit different, but both flow in the same flame.

You could describe this sense of flow in this way:

Feminine flow is the energy that attracts things into their life; it's incoming energy. Masculine flow is outgoing energy.

For a woman, when she is in the positive aspect of flow, things are just coming to her naturally. She almost doesn't have to lift a finger.

On an energetic state, picture her sitting in a beautiful garden in the lotus pose, and just breathing. You can see animals coming to her, and food coming to her, and sun shining upon her. She has everything that she needs but she hasn't lifted a finger. That's the feminine flow.

Masculine energy is outgoing energy, pointed energy—going from point A to point B. What stops masculine energy is the absence of flow in the form of a blockage or a blockade. What flow creates for a man is the absence of blockages; their road becomes clear.

Instead of having to climb mountains and suffer from crazy weather conditions, and through blood, sweat, and tears getting to your goal, you're just walking on the path. It's a very nice day. You're well fed, and you have all the water you could possibly want. You are walking with a friend and you're having a nice conversation. The next thing you know, you've arrived at your destination.

That's flow for a guy. There is no blockage when you're in this state.

What creates a block is pressure. Pressure is that condensed energy that doesn't let you pass. It would put a block in your way, yet it is self-induced. For instance, if you expect that something is going to be hard, you're creating pressure.

It could be walking to get your coffee or it could be winning the Olympics. There is the full range on this planet. People call all kinds of things “hard” depending on where they are in life. And it always comes true. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy because your beliefs make your reality.

Creating all this pressure creates frequency disturbances—clots in the matrix. To go from point A to point B, you need to pass through the matrix. In this world, there is no other way. If you have induced pressure and created pressure, you've created disturbances in the flow. They will manifest as obstacles.

Depending on how much pressure you're putting on yourself, those obstacles can be from small to middle, middle to insurmountable. Then you're going to have to use more energy and more time to get where you need to go. Of course, you're going to be frustrated and it's not going to be a walk in the park. That is what a lot of people are experiencing when they're going after their goals.

Strength and Faith Aspects of the Blue Flame Manifested in Men and Women

For women, the strength that generally manifests is in how she is able to support those around her, mentally and physically. The energy of a woman for a family is very important.

Strength is also very much paired with flexibility. Despite what happens, she's able to maintain that core balance for herself and others. Strength for a woman has more to do with resilience. It's not about going out and killing a tiger. It's preserving the cozy, healthy, happy home despite the fact that there could be nuclear war, despite the fact a loved one died.

Maybe her husband left her, but if she's able to maintain that safe haven for her children as a single mom, that would be the female version of strength. She maintains her love, her kindness, her gentleness despite hardship.

Strength for a man is relatively self-explanatory.

Faith is similar in both genders because you're connecting so high outside of your perspective that the differences are really not that palpable.

Faith is the same thing as belief.

Meditation for the Flow Aspect of the Blue Flame

Interestingly, for the flow aspect of the blue flame, there will be very different meditations for the two genders. This is because the energy is flowing very differently.

Flow Meditation for Women

For women, it's important to work with a water element. At any given time, your body represents one of the elemental energies more than others.

Your body could be more fire; your body could be more water, or your body could be more earth or air. For women, whose bodies are water in and of themselves, that state of flow comes a little bit easier to them than others.

For every other state, that's where it gets a little bit complicated. With women whose body is not water, but the three other elements—fire, earth, or air, you need to open up your body to be able to intake the energy of water.

Literally, what you want to do in a meditative state is quiet your mind.

Then, imagine yourself next to a body of water. It could be a lake. It could be a river, but it has to be a deep, natural body of water. It cannot be a sink or a bathtub. It could be the ocean if you love the ocean, or it could be a deep pond.

Now, completely submerge yourself into that body of water down to the tips of your fingers and all your hair.

Then, when you're underneath the water, open your mouth and experience the water flowing inside of you. You're going to still be able to breathe normally.

Allow that water to come inside and center in your belly area. What's going to come with that energy is a cool sensation—a sense of calm, peace, and quiet joy.

This is the number one thing that is needed to create the sense of flow for a woman. She needs to feel she is in that flowy state.

Moving your body as if you were water could also help. If you're not into “sit down” meditations, you can also put on some gentle, flowing, meditation music. Feel that flow in your body.

Do a dance of sorts as if you were water. Your energy and your movements are going to be very flowy, and very gentle, and very fluid.

Water attracts other water. The rivers flow into the ocean because water attracts other water. Water always wants to be reunited with water.

When you enter and let the water be inside of your body through a meditative state, you are guaranteed that the flow aspect, that energetic water is going to want to be united with you. It's going to start flowing to you.

Try performing that meditation every day. Invite that every day for five minutes in the morning. Get into the water state.

The other aspect of this meditation would be trust. You need not feel fearful of the flow. Fear always blocks the flow. Imagine sitting on the shore and you see a huge wave coming at you. If you don't trust the wave, if you don't trust the ocean, you're going to either run away or build a block. You're not going to receive that energy.

You want to develop trust. That is not an easy thing to do. You need to develop a state where you feel safe to receive the flow. One way to do that is you could create a dome around you made of water. A water dome. Cover yourself with a dome, like a cloche.

Know that whatever flow comes to you, only the good things can penetrate through your personal field. You're under protection. You're safe and sound. Even if the large wave comes, it's not going to sweep you off your feet. You can take flow in the way that serves you at the speed that you're ready for.

We're not all equally ready for the flow of abundance. That's why people who win the lottery are often, within a couple of years, just as poor as they were before. They're not able to receive and hold onto that abundance flow.

With time, you can open up your abundance flow a little bit more. With time, as you practice flow, you're not going to need the dome to protect you. Then you can receive all of it.

Trust is not built in one day. It is the same as when you first meet a person and you're not able to trust them fully, right away. That level of trust is built over time. In the same way, you will start to trust the water in that flow of blue energy as you keep working with it.

Flow Meditation for Men

What you want to do is let the water in.

Take a dive into a deep pool of water, a natural body of water. Open your mouth and let that water come through.

You're surrounded by water, but the water is also inside you, settling somewhere in your belly. First you want to make sure that you're there. Then imagine where you need to go.

Where is it that you're trying to go? Imagine yourself in a safe boat coursing down a mountainous, powerful river. Go with the flow. You don't need to row. You don't need to try hard. In fact, you don't need to do anything but stay in your boat and know where you're trying to go.

On an energetic level, there is always a mountainous river that will take you from where you are to where you need to be in the most natural way possible. You have to trust the river.

If you cannot trust the river, first make sure that the river is taking you to where you need to go. In your meditation, if you're trying to go from point A to point Z, you can quickly go down to point Z and make sure that that's what you want.

Find the river that ends with what you want. That's your flow; that's your door. It is where you're supposed to go.

Then there is that issue of trust, which is harder for men than women in some ways. Lack of control and trust go hand in hand; if you are trusting something, you don't need to control it.

The feeling of trust is a lot more inherent in women on this planet than in men. As a woman, to even be pregnant and have a child, you have to trust that the universe is going to provide for the child. The issue of trust is something that men in general would need to work on a lot.

Another shadow aspect of the blue flame is needing to control—demanding that need for control. What you want to do is surrender.

Here is how you would practice surrender: if you know that this river goes where you want to go and you don't need to do a single thing, I recommend you lie down on the bottom of that boat. Stretch your arms sideways, which fully exposes your chest.

Then, take in the energy of the sun. First, trust the father aspect. The sun is always the father aspect. Trust that the sun is not going to burn your skin. It's not going to make you dehydrated.

Then, trust the mother aspect, which is the water beneath you. You have to surrender and trust that she has your best interests at heart, that she's not dangerous, that she's not going to sink your boat. Trust that she's going to take you to where you need to go in the most natural way possible in the perfect state of flow without harming you or hurting you.

Then, let go. Let the two parents of yours—the masculine and the feminine—take care of where you need to go. There will be no blockages on that road.

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